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GradeAssist for APA v4.1 Trial

GradeAssist for APA helps students master the intricacies of APA Style and supports the development of important critical-thinking and writing skills. With more than 400 powerful, standardized comments, GradeAssist for APA empowers educators to quickly and easily provide targeted, actionable feedback tailored to the needs of individual students. GradeAssist for APA reflects the rules of the APA Manual of Style, Sixth Edition (Second Printing).

GradeAssist for MLA v4.1 Trial

Created for professors whose students use the Modern Language Association's Style Manual for their academic writing. GradeAssist for MLA increases the consistency and accuracy of educators' comments, often decreases the time required to provide thorough feedback, and measurably improves student satisfaction and academic performance.

GradeAssist for College Writing v4.1 Trial

GradeAssist for College Writing is designed for professors who want to provide excellent formative instruction and detailed feedback on students' writing but don’t require the use of a particular writing style. Insist on solid critical thinking and writing from your students? GradeAssist for College Writing will help you grade faster, grade better, and improve your students’ educational outcomes.

GradeAssist for Turabian v4.1 Trial

Created for professors whose students use the Turabian Style Manual for their academic writing. GradeAssist for Turabian increases the consistency and accuracy of educators' comments, often decreases the time required to provide thorough feedback, and measurably improves student satisfaction and academic performance.

GradeAssist en español v3.9 Trial

GradeAssist en Español es para los profesores quienes deseen dar instrucción formativa y comentario ayudante sobre la escritura de sus estudiantes. GradeAssist en Español le ayudará calificar trabajos escritos más inteligentemente.

GradeAssist in Spanish is for professors who want to provide formative instruction and helpful feedback on students' writing. GradeAssist in Spanish will help you grade papers smarter.


You can also enjoy a free trial of GradeAssist for Adobe Reader XI (Mac Compatible):

In order for professors that use only Apple computers we have developed a new product that allows these teachers to access GradeAssist functionality in Adobe Reader XI.

GradeAssist for APA Trial - Adobe Reader XI for the Mac

GradeAssist for MLA Trial - Adobe Reader XI for the Mac

GradeAssist for Turabian Trial - Adobe Reader XI for the Mac

GradeAssist for College Writing Trial - Adobe Reader XI for the Mac